Eric Ellsworth

Eric Ellsworth

6TH GRADE LITERACY: [email protected]

Why I love to teach

Teaching is on of those rare jobs which combines expertise and human growth. Seeing students come fully alive is the magic that draws me to this job,

Professional Background

In high school I was a plumber's assistant, then drove a route delivering tires until I entered community college. I did warehouse work until I graduated. Since then, I've been a teacher.

If I wasn't a teacher I would be...

A health and life insurance salesman.

Favorite pastimes

Becoming a dad has radically altered this answer for me. I suspect getting into the mountains with the family is now my favorite pastime. But there are these random moments where the four of us are playing, usually it is nothing noteworthy, but those are are my favorite times. I also have a few friends I deeply connect with. They are a close second.