Katelin Barson

Katelin Barson

8TH GRADE LITERACY: [email protected]

Why I love to teach

-The "ah-ha!" and "mind-blown!" moments when a kid overcomes difficult learning and completely understands something new.

-Watching kids become real people with unique ideas, thoughts, and opinions.

-Every day brings something new, something different, and a new challenge.

Professional Background

Bachelor of Arts - English Education from University of Northern Colorado

If I wasn't a teacher I would be...

I would be a travel blogger if I was not a teacher. I want to travel full time and go to as many different countries as I can while giving others advice about how to best enjoy their vacation!

Favorite pastimes

I spend most of my time outside of school practicing taekwando. I will be getting my black belt soon and really enjoy practicing the art. I love cooking and trying new recipes. Each week I try a few different recipes from a different cuisine. I love trying new cuisines and spices I haven't previously tried before. I love all of the typical outdoor Colorado-y things! My weekends are filled with hiking and camping. I also like playing DnD and painting.