Enrique Guerrero

Enrique Guerrero

DEAN OF STUDENTS: [email protected]

Why I love to teach

Knowledge is power! Growing up, I always knew I would be a teacher some day, but the influence some of my teachers had in my life cemented my decision to be an educator. I love teaching because it gives me the opportunity to make the world a better place, one lesson at a time, one child at a time. Education is liberation and is essential in the pursuit of social and human justice. Teaching gives me the opportunity to inspire and empower young kids to reach their potential, and they in turn will be a positive influence to their families and their community. Teaching gives me the opportunity to be an agent of change. Teaching is the fuel that makes my heart beat!

Professional Background

K-12 Exercise Physiology & Leisure Science, Adams State University.

K-12 Spanish, Adams State University.

CLDE Certification, University of Colorado at Boulder.

14 Years Teaching Experience.

If I wasn't a teacher I would be...

I really can't imagine not being a teacher, but if I ever did/do something else, I'd probably work on opening my own restaurant or be involved in some sort of social justice cause. Maybe I'd be a college distance running coach.

Favorite pastimes

Coaching youth sports, fishing, fitness, running, dancing, spending time with my children!!