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View the bus schedule.
Unsafe Items
Aurora Public Schools' Transportation will not transport items, which could endanger the lives, health, safety or welfare of the bus passengers or driver. Examples of items that should not be brought on the bus include: animal, weapons, breakable items, large items that cannot be safely held in the passenger's lap, tobacco, drugs and alcohol.
Authorized Riders
Students authorized by Board of Education policy have the highest priority to ride the bus. Students, parents, or other district patrons may ride a specific bus when prior written approval prior written approval is received from the appropriate school administrator and space is available.
Bus Stop/ Waiting Process
A sign or curbside stencil marker identifies all general education stop locations. Students should arrive at the bus stop no more than five minutes before the bus is scheduled to arrive. Students are expected to be courteous and respect the property of others. The waiting location is on the opposite side of the stencil marker from the direction of the approaching bus. After the bus has stopped, the students are expected to load the bus in an orderly and safe fashion. I have read the rules and understand them. I know that if I choose not to follow these rules and I am informed of a bus Student Management Report (SMR) the following will happen, depending upon the severity of my behavior.