Athletic Program
- Basketball (Boys and Girls)
- Track (Boys and Girls)
- Soccer (Girls and Boys)
- Volleyball (Girls)
- Swimming (Girls)
- Wrestling (Boys and Girls)
- Flag Football(Girls)
TRACK - Starts August 8th and ends September 14th
WRESTLING - Starts September 17th and ends November 9th
GIRLS SOCCER - Starts September 17th and ends November 9th
BOYS VOLLEYBALL - Starts September 17th and ends November 9th
GIRLS VOLLEYBALL - Starts November 12th and ends January 18th
BOYS BASKETBALL - Starts January 22nd and ends March 1st
GIRLS SWIMMING - Starts February 4th and ends March 1st
GIRLS BASKETBALL - Starts March 4th and ends April 26th
BOYS SOCCER - Starts March 4th and ends April 26th
GIRLS FLAG FOOTBALL-Starts April 29th and ends May 17th
- $35 per sport
- $70 max individual payment
- $105 family max payment
No student shall receive a uniform until some type of payment has been made. A student may practice without payment up until the first contest. A parent cannot use the family max discount for attending different schools within the district.
Parents must complete, print, and turn in a registration form to the coach for EACH sport in which the student participates. Athletes must complete a sports physical each year they participate.
Athletics Registration Form
Team members and managers in the Athletic Program are limited to 7th and 8th grade students. 6th grade students may be able to participate in some programs based on the number of participants. Each school has individual weekly eligibility requirements. The weekly eligibility requirements for Aurora Hills are based on the belief that representing your school is a privilege. Therefore, all students representing Aurora Hills must be in good academic and behavioral standing. All students participating in the Athletic Program must: (1) Have no unexcused absences and no more than two tardies for the week; (2) Maintain strong academic performance by having no more than 1 failing grade (3) Have no disciplinary referrals during the week. It is important to remember that academics come first.
* Students who are absent from school may not participate in any after-school sports, activities, or clubs on that day.
** Students in in-school suspension or after-school detention may not participate in any after-school sports, activities, or clubs on that day.
In order to participate on any athletic team, the student must have the following on file BEFORE participating in practice (Athletic Participation Permit and Medical Examination Forms are available in the Main Office):
- A form indicating a physical examination has been performed, signed by a physician or nurse practitioner, indicating the student is able to participate.
- A parent permission form signed by the student's parent(s) or legal guardian giving authorization for the student to participate in the athletic program and travel with the team when necessary.
- A form signed by the student's parent(s) or legal guardian indicating that the student is covered by a school insurance plan, a military insurance plan or a family insurance plan.
- Remittance of a participation fee for each sport. The fee is for equipment, buses, practices, and game days. The middle school athletic fee is $35.00 per sport. The maximum amount to be paid by a family with one athlete will be $70.00 per school year.
For a list of specific fees and fines, please visit the District's Web site at www.aps.k12.co.us/pol-reg and look for the JQ policy on student fees in Section J: Students.
Students participating in the Athletics Program must be good role models for all to follow. Each student athlete must conduct himself / herself in a respectful professional manner at all times on and off the playing area. Students who are not involved in sports, family members, and spectators are also expected to conduct themselves in such a manner as to reflect the value of all players, coaches, officials, and fans involved. Students, parents, or spectators who harass players, referees, coaches or other fans will be asked to leave the event and may be asked not to attend future events.
Student Accident Insurance
For those families who do not have health insurance, Aurora Public Schools offers a low cost Student Accident Insurance Plan. Information on this plan is available in the Main Office. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the APS Risk Management Department at 303-365-7816.